For King County:
Caution: The scanning process takes anywhere from two to five Court days, so during that period, filed documents are not available, either on the ECR Computers or by the actual paper documents as filed. In other words, you will not be able to find a document in the Court files for at least several days after its filing. If a document, instead, was presented in and left with the Court for filing, that will only increase the time it takes for it to appear on the ECR Computers.
The ECR Computers cover all King County Superior Court scanned filings (ie, all documents for all cases filed after 1999 and for archived cases filed after 1995, whether with a SEA or a KNT designation) and, like the SCOMIS Computers, are available at both the King County Courthouse and the Regional Justice Center.
If you can’t find your case number on the ECR Computers, then your case number may be available on the computers to the left of the ECR computers — the ones under the sign reading “Request Files from 1979 – 1999” — which contain the case information for unscanned case files. A copy of any unscanned document (ie, one not on the ECR Computers) may be made by requesting the hardcopy, paper file from the Clerk’s file room and then making a copy of the document yourself on any of the copy machines in the Clerk’s Office for 15 cents per page.
For another county: Go to the Clerk’s Office at its County Courthouse and ask.
For King County, write the King County Superior Court Clerk’s Office at the following addresses:
In your request:
The Clerk’s fee is:
- A non-refundable service charge of $20, plus
- A copying and certification fee of:
- $5 for the first page of any document, and
- $1 for each additional page of the same document (with a $5 deposit, paid along with the $20 service charge = $25 total).
You will receive a certified copy, as the Clerk’s Office will not provide plain copies by mail. If your request entails more than one copy, you will be billed for the additional charge.
For further information, see Copies by KCSCC.
The Clerk’s Office “turn-around time” (ie, time between its receipt of your request and its mailing of your copies) for requests for document copies is two to three weeks. Consequently, with delivery time included, you should not expect to receive the copies until a month or so after you mail your request.
For another county: Telephone its Superior Court Clerk’s Office and ask. Telephone Numbers
For King County, if you want or need the copies sooner, you may obtain them, generally within a day, from a variety of private attorney services, such as:
NW Legal states:
Disclosure: Neithe WASHINGTON PROBATE nor its author has any affiliation with any of the companies described above or has received or will in the future receive any consideration for mentioning any of them in this website, which mention is intended solely to provide additional information and not as an endorsement or guarantee.
Thanks: Your author thanks the many personnel of the King County Clerk’s Office who have answered, with patience and grace, his innumerable questions over the years and have helped in the preparation of this page, especially Kathei McCoy, Information Services Supervisor — with his continuing to take complete and total responsibility for any errors or omissions that remain.